Game Object Creator

Game Object Creator

Welcome to the Game Object Creator (GOC) website.

The GOC is:

           Optimized for Windows XP SP3 ® and Ubuntu®

           Written in c++.

           Utilizes OpenGL v2.1® for rendering.

           Utilizes OpenAL v1.1® for sound and music effects.

           Allows for rapid game development.

           Uses the CodeLite IDE® , to ease cross-platfrom development.

           A game creation software development kit (SDK).

The GOC allows you to create a game on Windows XP ® and (with little modification to your code) allows you to recompile your code on Ubuntu® .

The games created using the GOC should perform the same on both Windows XP ® and Ubuntu® .

The time for not having to make large amounts modifications to your code is at hand. You should not have to do extra work just to run your project on multiple platforms.

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Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and
other countries.

Ubuntu is a registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.
OpenGL is a registered trademark of SGI.
OpenAL is a registered trademark of Creative Labs.
CodeLite IDE is a trademark of the CodeLite team.