Game Object Creator

GOC ChangeLog

GOC - V1.03

          In "InputEngine.h" keyOrButtonPressed_m was converted into a
            stl map.

          In "InputEngine.h" repeatKeyOrButton_m was converted into a stl map.

          Recomplied "libGOC.a"

          Recomplied "lGOC.lib"

GOC - V1.02

          IndependentUpdate(...) is now getting called by the GOC again.

          Restructured windows®'s project virtual folders to match ubuntu®'s virtual
            folders (This restructure doesn't effect actual code just how it's organized
            in the project.).

          Removed MilTimerTriggered(...) from "TimerGOC.h

          Recomplied "libGOC.a"

          Recomplied "lGOC.lib"

GOC - V1.01

          IndepedentUpdate(...) changed to IndependentUpdate(...).

          Fixed corrupted double-linked list: runtime error.

          Moved "GOC.h" from ./PlatformSpecific/inc/ to ./inc/ folder.

          Added "GOC.cpp" to ./source/ folder.

          Added "WindowManager_WIN.h" to ./PlatformSpecific/inc/

          Added "WindowManager_UBUNTU.h" to ./PlatformSpecific/inc/

          Changed IsKeyOrButtonPressed(...) to allow input to repeat or not.

          Recomplied "libGOC.a"

          Recomplied "lGOC.lib"

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